
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Notes From a Husband (Our Last Week on Fleur)

There has never been a more exciting, nor more trying time for my family. Our new home has taken bone and flesh and the guts are being constructed. Every day after work, or first thing in the morning on the weekends a visit has been paid. Some are a brief consultation with our builder affectionately known as Wadey, some a walk through to snoop on progress, and some to help with progression of the build. The walls of the structure are bare but laying shape towards the home we have dreamed of for over a year, and in many ways a lifetime. 

Never truly thought imaginable that a building would be wrought purely to house my family. Never dared to believe that a house would be built at our specification, but yet here it is, and here it becomes. It hasn’t been easy nor without sacrifice. 

Too many hours of single parenting and too many hours of half-hearted work days have been allocated. Too many risks of homelessness and death by allergy dedicated to an idea too brash to believe it could be for us. 

Thank God for a wife who bears the brunt while her husband plays contractor and misses family occasion. This should be a time for Halloween masks and adoption parties. The yard needs mowed, and the boxes need packed, and the kids need tickled. That soon shall come again. 

Thank God for the blessings that afford us the opportunity . Thank my wife for holding my family together. With a little luck and a whole lot of work from family on both sides we will make it through this and look back on this time in our life with a crooked smile and think “This home is worth it.”

--October 25, 2014

(Written by my husband and found at the bottom of my to-do list three days later.  He reassures me and reminds me how lucky I am to spend my life with him.)

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