
Tuesday, January 20, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: We took Cruz and Mila to Barnes and Noble for awhile the other day and I had forgotten how much I love taking the kids to this place.  This was the first time I remember that Cruz hardly touched the train track.  He was instead on the floor with his head in a book, or on the step stool reaching for one!  I love how much this kid loves to read.  

Mila: One of my favorites from her birthday party on Sunday.  She was so precious at her party, a trooper the entire time.  My favorite memories will include her climbing and sitting on her presents, waiting for us to sing her Happy Birthday and clapping along to the song, and of course, watching her devour her cake.  Lots more pictures of that to come!

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