
Friday, January 2, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"

Cruz: Legos and transformers and movies summed up this boy's winter break.  He's paired his own legos with Uncle Taylor's legos discovered in the basement and he has spent hours building towers and speedboats.  

Mila:  Standing and scooting and stair climbing have summed up this girl's winter break.  She loves climbing the steps and has figured out how to stand on her own for long periods at a time.  She especially loves doing this when lots of people are watching her.  She stands very carefully, looks at us for approval, then sinks down and claps her hands, exceedingly proud of herself. 

1/52, for old time's sake...

These were the first two portraits of 2014.  Well, not exactly.  The first two weeks Mila was still cooking away, but this is the first one of her outside the womb.  My, the growth in both these babies this past year.  Especially Mila's hair!  I look at my 52 Project all the time and love seeing how the two of them grew this past year.  52 weeks ago, it was just Cruz and I enjoying winter break, playing games and drinking warm hot cocoa, sleeping in and soaking up our last days before the baby would arrive.  And then, this sweet little bundle arrived less than two weeks later.  And now, she's about to be one.

On to year two!          

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