
Monday, February 2, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: Received his first letter home from a teacher on Friday.  He was not being a good listener and was provoking his friends to be funny instead of listening, too.  Friday night, we were discussing our action plan as parents and Beau asked my parents, "Did Ashley ever get a bad letter sent home from school?"  After they gave an emphatic "No", Beau mumbled "hmm..." and walked away.  I guess he was having a little deja vu with that one. :)

Mila: FINALLY turned a corner late last week.  She has four new molars in that mouth of hers and she seems back to her bright-eyed, busy self.  We had a good, quiet weekend getting snowed in at Grandma and Papa's.  Mila took long naps both days and learned to say the word baby.  She says it in this high-pitched sweet little voice, usually when sticking her finger in a doll's eye, exclaiming, "bae bae?" and looking around for approving nods.  

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