
Monday, February 16, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: This little bug had a good Valentine's Day, bringing specially made dinosaur valentines to his friends on Friday and getting another Switch and Go Dino from his mommy on Saturday.  On a question sheet he filled out at school, he said he loves when his mommy "cooks with me," but he really loves his cousin Charly the most.  And my favorite answer he had when asked how he shows love?  "When you get more play-doh after someone's dries up."  I guess I know the way to my boy's heart.  :) 

Mila:  Sitting on presents is the theme for Mila, and with two holidays and a birthday happening the past three months, she's had lots of places to sit!  Mila opened up her very first tea set for Valentine's Day and she was so sweet and dainty with it.  She watched me sip the make believe tea and immediately stuck her cup up to her mouth to mimic my actions.  I'm seeing lots of tea parties in our future, and hopefully curls, too!  I love to see those little curls peaking out from her little blond head.   

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