
Monday, March 16, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: This kid has been cracking me up with his expressions lately.  He'll hold things behind his back and say, "Mommy, you aren't going to believe this," and then reveal a long lost McDonalds' toy.  Tonight, we had dinner at Hy-Vee Kitchen before getting groceries.  We showed you the array of food choices and let you have your pick.  Your eyes lit up and you said, "this is ah-mazing."  I adore his big love of everything in this world.

Mila: This is the essence of my girl lately.  Untamed, wispy hair, dirty socks, and bright, curious eyes, determined to soak up every piece of this world.  She wants in on everything, especially everything her brother is doing, and seems to love it all.  I took this picture just minutes before she helped me eat a half bag of snap peas in smoky chipolte dip.  She's just awesome.    

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