
Monday, May 4, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: We spent lots of time on our covered deck this weekend, eating meals on blankets and having conversations about being four.  With no grass in our backyard for a good part of our summer, I have a feeling this will become our landing spot.  Mila took a good nap this morning and Cruz and I constructed kites.  I can't wait for the perfect breezy day to fly them high.  

Mila:  This girl stole my heart at the river yesterday.  Mom and I took the kids and picnicked where we used to go when I was Mila's age.  And just like I used to crawl through the grass chasing ducks and eating grass, Mila followed suit.  In her bib overalls, she waddled behind the ducks, greeting them with her very best "cack cack", forgetting to feed them the bread and instead eating it all herself.          

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