
Monday, July 27, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: Buddy's first t-ball game is this week.  Beau's Facebook status last week sums our first week up quite well...

"Obviously baseball scouts are missing a real opportunity. There were zero scouts at practice number two of Cruz's t-ball career tonight. Just to make it easy on them I have some amazing stats to report...

-2 balls almost caught during catch.
-5 water breaks in a grueling 50 minute session.
-A blistering single raced past a second baseman who was only kind-of playing with dirt.
-15 flowers picked during fielding drills.
-Wore a baseball hat.

If that isn't the type of talent you are looking to build a franchise around, and offer a lucrative signing bonus to, then you obviously don't know big league talent in the making."

Mila: Talk about playing in the dirt.  Because she's been such a good girl watching her brother and cousins play ball from the dugout, I decided to let her have at it after practice one night.  It was bath night, anyway. :)

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