
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cruz Confessional // Episode 7

It hasn't been since September that I have gotten around to uploading a Cruz Confessional.  And September seems a lifetime ago!  We were still at our little brown house, just starting to pack some boxes and make decisions on our build.  I'm thankful to be on the other side of all that, even though I do miss that sweet little place from time to time.

While this blog is a space to organize my pictures and memories of these kids as they grow, pictures can only say so much!  I started these Cruz Confessionals as little snapshots into the sweet little talks and stories I am blessed to hear from their lips every day.  I love their high pitched voices, seeing the things that make the smile, and the stories that light up their faces.  My parents didn't have a video camera when I was growing up, but they did voice record us from time to time and these recordings were some of our favorite things to listen to as we got older.  We would listen to Taylor say his prayers, or me recite the words to the same Ernie and Bert book I now read to Mila, and laugh as we stumbled on words or emphasize others that were of obvious importance.  Cruz already loves to watch himself when he was just a toddler, and I hope to continue these little videos for his sister once she can sit still for more than five seconds. :)

A summer-focused conversation with the Cruz Man, just a few months shy of five...

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