
Monday, September 7, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz:  We officially have a drawer in this house.  I think it has a lot to do with Mrs. W's writing and art center, and also my little Ikea cart that sits in the kitchen stacked with papers and art supplies, but Cruz has taken a huge interest in drawing and I can't get enough of his creations.  I love finding his little masterpieces all over the house, love the way he draws his people, and love that his teacher will listen and scribe as he narrates his illustrations with his wild imagination.  My mom also caught him writing his letters of the alphabet this weekend, all from memory.  He recites the song, then writes the letters one by one.  We are at such a fun time in his little life right now, as it seems he is absorbing everything.  And I feel so very blessed to have a front seat to it all.   

Mila:  We got a note from Mila's teacher this weekend, too, to inform us that Mila was not into the idea of having her picture taken on Friday for picture day.  Cruz relayed the story as well, informing me he tried EVERYTHING to get her to smile.  He said he even oinked like a piggy for her!  Mila seems to be growing lately, too, but mostly in the temperamental department.  She's thrown two massive tantrums in the last three days, both because she refused to let us help her with something she wanted to do herself.  Good thing she's cute because I'm convinced she's going to give us a run for our money. :)

1 comment:

  1. Had fun with these cuties this weekend!! Missing them today... Sweet pictures!
