
Monday, October 26, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: I took Cruz to his five year old checkup this morning and he did so great.  He weighs 41 pounds, up four from his last checkup, and is 44 inches tall, up three inches from last year.  We had his last set of booster shots last year, and learned he's good until he's 11, although we did have to be brave while Dr. Chandra froze a small wart off his knee.  It stung pretty good, but Cruz held his tears until we were out the door.  And then, the floodgates opened!  Even after earning not one, but two suckers, and three sets of stickers from Dr. Chandra because he was so very brave in the room, Cruz let it all go on the way to the car, limping and wailing "it hurts very very badly!!!" the entire way to the car.  I did my best to console him, while also trying to toughen him up a bit.  Let's just hope that silly little wart falls off sooner rather than later. :)

Mila: I put her in piggy tails for the first time this morning and she looked ADORABLE!  She's got the blondest, softest hair right now and I can't get over the little curl at the end of her ponytails!  She also knows how to say and spot the colors pink and purple (go figure), and screamed until I let her wear a pink sweatshirt with her purple pants this morning.  She didn't look girly at all bouncing to school this morning. :)    

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