
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Walk in the Park

Sharing some pictures from a Sunday walkabout through Hartman Reserve.  We've been blessed with some beautiful Sundays this fall, and always make sure to fill them with lots of simple things that replenish us and motivate us for the week ahead.  Lately, I'm enjoying our Sunday mornings again now that Mila has decided the church's toddler room is great.  I love squeezing in with Beau in the dimly lit sanctuary, a cup of almond joy coffee warming my hands, and having an hour a week to ourselves to sing and listen to the teachings that stretch me and challenge me week after week.  I'm enjoying Mila's midday nap, a chance to throw in a load of laundry, draw a picture with Cruz, or sit on the couch and watch some of the Bears game with Beau.  I'm enjoying our fireplace, that seems to run around the clock lately, pumpkin spice candles adding warmth to our kitchen counter, an afternoon cup of apple cider, and a stack of cookbooks to thumb through before I make my online grocery order for the week.  I'm enjoying our late afternoons excursions outside, to Hartman, or campus, or Main Street, to breathe in the fresh air, pay a little closer attention to the golden leaves, and laugh as Mila struts through her short legs through the trails, her blond piggy tails bouncing in the sunlight.

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1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures so much, Ash!! Mila's outfit is adorable & love her pigtails!! Her & Cruz are such a sweet pair!!
