
Monday, December 14, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: We had a wonderful Saturday this weekend, our first truly lazy weekend of the holidays.  We spent a portion of it at Hick's Place for their Christmas party and enjoyed some fresh air on another mild mid-December afternoon.  Cruz talked to Santa, decorated an ornament, ate a cookie, pumpkin bar, and three Hershey's kisses, and played laser tag, the highlight of his afternoon.  He was pretty leery to do it and required lots of coaxing, but of course, once we got him on the course, he was sold.  He was pretty timid, but later I heard him tell some other kids at a picnic table, "I played laser tag and only got hit one time!"

Mila:  Mila had a good time at Hick's, too, loving the hayride and hot cocoa, and almost loving Santa, at least for the first two seconds she sat on his lap!  I forgot her boots at daycare this weekend, so decided to let her have one of her Christmas presents a little early.  When I showed her the bright pink boots, she squealed in delight - "pink boots, Mommy!  Cute!  Cute!"  I love my little accessory queen, and love how she immediately wants to show Daddy her newest treasure every time.  

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