
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

One Last Christmas Post...

We woke up the day after Christmas with a weekend filled with family.  After a little tea party in Mila's room, some driving practice with BB-8, and a little family photo shoot next to the snowy picture window, we packed up a laundry basket of gifts, food, and all our best cozies, and headed down Highway 3 for my hometown.  We gathered at my parents' house for the day, and opened endless presents, sipped red wine, passed around baby Harper, listened to the guys heckle each other over games of pool and Tom Brady, and once again, cocerced a growing number of littles to take a picture in their matching Christmas pajamas, a beloved little tradition that always makes us laugh. 

Sunday brought us back to Allison for the Hoodjer family Christmas.  Our family had grown in size again this year, including a new baby, a new girlfriend, and a new diamond engagement ring slid onto cousin Derek's sweet girlfriend Hanna's finger just a week before, so we had lots of catching up and lots celebrating to do.  This family of mine means so very much to me and these times spent together all under one roof makes for the biggest gift of all this Christmas season.  

One last slew of pictures before heading straight into 2016...

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