
Monday, February 22, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz: Has had a bad cough the last few days, a lot like his mom gets after a cold.  Beau took him to the UNI basketball game on Saturday and after a smoothie and ice cream, Cruz decided it was time to go with about 15 minutes left in the second half.  "I'm afraid my cough is bothering the people around me," he said. :)

Mila: While the boys were at the game, the two of us enjoyed a little girl time and our very first walk outside this year.  Mila sat still for longer than she has all winter long, holding purple baby close and pointing out every bird, airplane, dog, child, and car she spotted.  It felt like spring this weekend and the fresh air was amazing.

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