
Monday, May 2, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz:  We had a family sleepover with the Guess family in Pella this weekend and Cruz got to reconnect with one of his first friends, Harper.  I brought his sleeping bag and set up camp for him in our guest room for the night.  Mila was in bed with me and Cruz was on the floor on the other side of me.  I loved sleeping in between them and especially loved rolling over to spot his sweet eyes quietly studying the ceiling the next morning.  I asked him if he liked camping and he assured me he was ready for a real trip under the stars.  

Mila:  Mila scored big this weekend when Harper handed over three pairs of princess shoes and this bright pink tutu worn for her very first recital.  Mila was in absolute Heaven over this and wore either the shoes or the skirt (or both) for the rest of the night.  Beau and I caught her playing in the corner of her room yesterday night, wearing her crown and her tutu, holding her baby just like a little mother, talking sweetly and kissing her repeatedly.  It's not very often we catch Mila playing contentedly by herself, but when we do it's one of the sweetest things I've ever laid eyes on.     

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