
Monday, May 9, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz: I think you played hookie on us last Friday.  You told Daddy you didn't feel good when you got to school, so Daddy brought you home to me because I was working from home most of the day anyway.  When I told Beau to stop by the grocery store and pick up some sick kid food, you apparently requested chocolate pudding.  After a morning of cartoons and two containers of pudding, you said you were feeling better.  I told you the story about the little boy who cried wolf. :)

Mila:  You wore your twirliest dress yet for Mother's Day yesterday, and requested wearing my necklace with it.  You've been such a joy lately, continuing to talk at a mile's minute and amazing us with the things you come up with.  You held your own with your three big cousins at the playground Friday night, running away during a game of tag only to turn around and squeal, "nah nah nah boo boo!"  That and "No way, Jose`" are my favorites.  

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