
Monday, May 16, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

My Mother's Day weekend was filled with a myriad of things, most of which have earned the rite of passage as traditions for this second weekend in May.  We sacrificed showers on Saturday and spent most of the day cleaning out the garage, preparing for one massive garage sale the following weekend.  We all wore our Cubs' hats and failed to shower, listened to Cleopatra on repeat, and the kids made their own fun with chicken wire, scrap wood, and the bike trailer.  I think they sat in there and read books to each other for over an hour!  We did take a break to go have lunch at Pablos and happened across Free Comic Book Day at our local comic book store.  Although we were pushing our luck of not running into someone we knew, we couldn't resist stopping to mingle with our favorite superheros, get some balloon animals, and of course, score a free comic book to add to Cruz's collection.   

Mila in her Cubs hat, and her pajama top, playing with her baby on the garage floor.  And this sums up our Saturday. :)  

Oh, and this chicken wired knight. :)

Mother's Day Sunday included sunshine, church, lunch at Texas Roadhouse, and a little exploring through the Hearst Center to smell the lilac bushes and find yet another hidden gem in our pretty town.  When Cruz spotted a trail off the beaten path behind campus, we followed his lead and ended up with our toes in Dry Run Creek, with plenty of rocks to toss in, of course.  We added yet another picnic spot to our summer bucket list and I reveled in the sound of a bubbling brook and Mila's blond curls in the afternoon sun.     

Her dress killed me all day long.  One of my new favorites... 

After returning home, we changed out of church clothes and into our best gardening attire to spend an afternoon filling Beau's garden creations with a hopeful harvest.  When Beau first designed plans for our garden, I loved that the height of them would keep the bunnies from eating our peppers all summer, but was not so pleased with the thought that the kids wouldn't be able to reach over to spot the first green bean or pick the tomatoes for a dinner salad.  Leave it to my husband to come up with an alternate plan, aka, six removable screens that Cruz is quite good at taking on and off himself.  I adore how these little gardens turned out and am hopeful we will reap the one reward of a neighborhood without trees - plenty of sunshine!

Cruz was an awesome helper for most of the afternoon.  He got the hang of how deep to dig the holes, learned how to squeeze the plastic container to pull the plant out, and is going to be our ace waterer this summer.  And Mila, well, she didn't do much, other than look pretty cute in her new flowered hat from the Gabel girls.  She'd wander over for awhile, stick her hands in the dirt, then retreat to my sun chair with Beau's water jug, pretending to read my book in the sun.  She did, however, like sticking the sugar snap pea seeds in the dirt, and it will be interesting to see where exactly those little peas decide to sprout.  My guess is we'll be seeing them in our neighbor's yard. :)  

We ended our day with supper and Menchies, a new favorite spot of all of ours.  And as any good summertime weekend is sure to promise - we sank into our beds feeling exhausted and happy.  It's going to be a good good season of plenty.  

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