
Wednesday, June 1, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz: Reports from your weekend with your grandparents were all good, buddy.  You were the best helper, put up with sleeping in a bed with Mila for the first half and Papa Curt for the second half (I'm not sure which is worse), and had fun scouting out all the playgrounds in their towns, going on picnics, and getting in lots of quality time with Papa.  The two of you rediscovered a love of Battle Bots and I think your batter's swing has improved.  You were well loved, without a doubt, and Papa said you might as well stay the summer. :)

Mila: You had a pretty good report, too, Miss Mila.  You slept good, went poop in the potty (at least half the time), enjoyed riding shotgun in the kids' cruiser jeep Grandma Mary borrowed from a coworker, and discovered a new favorite book at the library in Allison.  You had lots of quality time with many of your favorite people, but were pretty happy to hop in the car and head home with your mama late Sunday.  You requested Ophelia on repeat the entire way home and I loved watching you sing from the rear view mirror.  

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