
Monday, June 27, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz: We rode some carnival rides at Sturgis Falls this weekend and Cruz loved them all.  When I told him where we were going, he said he remembered going there last year and proceeded to spout off details even I didn't remember, like the colors of the cotton candy and the front seat of the train ride, aka, the only seat that controlled the bell, the seat he would definitely be vying for this time around.  I love these moments when he recalls memories - a reminder to me what we do sticks and pretty neat to see the things that stick out to him.  I always think of the movie Inside Out and wonder what my kids' core memories will be.

Mila: I sure hope images like this one become core memories for me of Mila at this age.  We finally had the chance to bring Beau to the pool with us last night and I reveled in the chance to share some responsibility.  I brought my camera and while the boys were going down the water slides over and over, I and most of the patrons on the lazy river were entertained by Mila dancing to Uptown Funk under the sprinklers.  She's silly, and wonderful, and completely herself, and I've hit that stage where it makes me hurt to think of her not staying this small forever.    

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