
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

More Good Things of June


"I believe that if we cultivate a true attention, a deep ability to see what has been there all along, we will find worlds within us and between us, dreams and stories and memories spilling over.  The nuances and shades and secrets and intimations of love and friendship and marriage and parenting are action-packed and multicolored, if you know where to look."

-Shauna Niequist

287.  Slow mornings of letting the kids sleep in, soft blankies, and requests to "cover me up", followed by bowls of cereal, Daniel Tiger, and sofa snuggles as we check the forecast and plan our day.  

288. That one brisk June morning, where we wore our sweatshirts and were the only three people on Main Street.  Snickerdoodle cookies and apple juice treats for breakfast, Mila disrupting the peace for the regulars at Cup of Joe, and smiles amidst the controlled chaos of kids home for the summer.

289. Signing not one, but two little readers up for summer reading this year.  Stickers and fill-in-the-dots for every ten minutes done, Barnacle is Bored for Cruz and Goldilocks for Mila, and story-time with Lou, our wonderful elementary librarian from Price Lab.  Sitting behind the two of them as they stuck close together and listened better than all the regulars.  They've got this story-time thing down pat. :)

290. Crockpot meals put together at the beginning of the day, intentionally planned to include lots of fresh greens from the garden -- cilantro on carnitas, mint in the water, kale in the smoothies.  Barefoot walks to the garden with my colander and afternoon drinks for thirsty plants.

291. Post nap trips for ice cream.  Little biking shorts and jelly sandals.  White against sun-kissed skin.  And that one time last week when Mila let me put her hair up.

292. Polka dot jammies and lazy Saturdays.  Early morning dates with Cruz as we drive around looking for hot air balloons and come home with donuts instead.  We'll catch them one of these years...  

293. My favorite window box to date.  The way you can see them from Mila's window seat.  Afternoon doorbell rings from our neighbor Rush to see if Cruz can play.  Cul de sac gatherings of neighors while the kids chase Copper and the adults wonder where all these kids are going to park in a decade or so... 

294. They way I catch them sometimes, completely unprompted.

295. This labor of love.  For friends like Bill, Aram, and Brian who came to help Beau assemble during the hottest weekend of year, and the impromptu barbecue we had to celebrate its completion last Saturday night. 

296. A welcomed rainy Sunday with closets to clean.  A color-coded Lego system that makes this mama a little too happy and a newly organized closet for Cruz that I go in and stare at when in need of a little inspiration.  

297.  Rediscovered toys on quiet afternoons while Mila naps.


298. Swing set play in pajamas and breakfast for four on the top landing.  And when it's too hot to slide, we turned it into a water slide.  

299. Completed house projects and date nights around the fire pit.  Pinot Noir, sweatshirt blankets, and outdoor sofas under the stars.  Reminiscing about that very first fire pit on our driveway on Fareway Lane and all the nights and plans we plotted together.  And now, more dreams and plans plotted while the kids sleep upstairs.

300.  Dinners outside at Susongs and a mani/pedi for Mila girl.  While the adults dined on cajun shrimp, smoked brisket, and watermelon cocktails, Molly and her friend Sophia kept Mila busy with a full on spa night, complete with three colors of nail polish, peppermint lotion for her legs, and even a little foot filing!  I've never seen her hold so still. :)  


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