
Tuesday, July 26, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"


Cruz: We had a fun family swim day on Sunday.  Cruz and I love when Dad comes because we can spend more time in the "big pool" and less time chasing Mila around!  I taught Cruz how to do a somersault in the water and we went down the slide lots of times together.  We can't quite get Cruz to try out the orange tunnel slide, though.  Too scary!  We also saw Uncle Taylor there and Cruz coerced him to go down the slide with him.  It was pretty cute to watch the big smiles on their faces as their tube flew into the water!

Mila: This girl is rocking her big girl bed.  She loves to jump on it, tuck her stuffed animals in beside her, and for the most part, stays in it at bedtime.  She only likes to sleep with the sheet and only lets me snuggle with her under the covers, much to her Daddy's disappointment!  It is the perfect bed for her and my heart does a little dance every time I walk into her room.         

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