
Wednesday, August 3, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"


Cruz: I registered this boy for kindergarten yesterday.  How is this possible?  I remember holding him when he was just a tiny baby, thinking about the day I would kiss his cheek and send him to school.  And it felt so far away.  I ache for those years, but love where we are today, too.  We spent the morning just the two of us, school supply shopping and trying on pants in the dressing room, attempting to find some that didn't fall off his skinny little waist.  And he danced silly in the three-way mirror and reminded me he's still little.  

Mila: I have loved watching this girl grow in independence and imagination this summer.  She will now quietly play for an hour at a time now, usually with her hand-me-down Little People house from the Gabel girls or her fairy garden on the window bench.  And I love when I go into her room and see her babies lying face down on her pillow, a perfectly placed blankie covering them just so.    

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