
Monday, August 22, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz: It's been fun to watch the vast improvement Cruz has shown on the field from last season to this one.  While it might not be as comical to watch as last year, it's been fun to cheer him on as he's made some big hits and even big catches.  He got to play first this night and helped his team make a couple of nice plays.  Or as Beau put it, "they almost had an out!"

Mila: My water girl.  While I've noticed many kids her age are still quite timid in the water, Mila runs straight through the sprinklers at full speed, and loves to run from the side and jump in...and the faster, the better!  She has absolute trust that I am going to catch her, one of those innocent, untainted qualities of being a child that I love.  Boy am I going to miss these afternoons in the water.    

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