
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The First Snow

The snow fell for the first time last Saturday night, creating quite the scene for our first Sunday morning of December.  Beau was out of town with friends for the weekend, and Mom came to do Christmas things with us.  We made chocolate star cookies and drank hot cocoa, worked relentlessly on a 300-piece winter scene puzzle, and stayed up past midnight watching Hallmark movies in front of the fire.  And when we woke up to a a few inches of wet, thick snow, well, we got to keep Grandma here for a few more hours. :)

We made it to church, sat in a small but cozy sanctuary and listened to Alice teach about Mary, and continued to watch the big flakes fall outside.  And as soon as we trudged back in the house, we traded church clothes for snow clothes as we hurried outside to get a taste of the first snow that calmly blanketed our neighborhood.

Having the first snow fall on a weekend was quite the luxury, for it was fun to see the kids take it all in.  They both proved to be good Iowa kids, not missing a beat as they jumped right in and got to work, dragging sleds onto the front yard, freely falling with airplane arms for a snow angel, and soon enough finding that glove to the mouth to catch a taste of nature's snow cone.  Cruz soon left us to play with the neighbor boys in the backyard, and Mila and I got to work on our very own Olaf, who took not one, but two tries after Mila accidentally pushed him over when trying to fit his hat.  Oops. :)

We stayed out for quite awhile, Mila helping me with our snowman every step of the way.  And when our gloves were soaked and our cheeks were rosy, we trudged back into the house for cocoa and peanut butter sandwiches.  Just as the first snow day should be.


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