
Monday, January 16, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017"

Cruz: You learned a thing or two about money this weekend, stacking all the coins up in tall piles and learning just how many pennies it takes to get to one hundred.  You had exactly $107 in there, saved up since you were a toddler, and you decided to put most of it back, hoping to save it up for a trampoline this summer.  When we asked where you would like to give 10% of it, you said to a hospital so they could buy Legos for the little kids who were staying there.  What a good idea, buddy!
Mila: My little three year old beauty, looking so very old in this one.  We had a wonderful weekend celebrating you, from a special day on Friday for your birthday, followed by a pretty-in-pink party with our family yesterday.  My favorite part was watching how excited you got opening up your birthday cards.  You did this high-pitched little squeal every time you opened one.  You were gifted with some pretty great things this weekend, too - your cozy sleeping bag, princess tent, Belle doll, dancing robot, and baby bed that is an exact match to your own twin bed are a few of your favorites. 

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