
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mila Turns 3

Oh, Mimi, we had such a fun weekend celebrating you turning 3.  Every morning you still ask, "Is my party over now?" and for three days after your birthday you asked us to sing you the happy birthday song.  We celebrate birthdays good around here and you're big someday, I want you to remember waking up to a sea of balloons in your bedroom, a special stack of birthday pancakes before school, and time set apart to honor and celebrate all you are to all we are.  

Thankful we got that flu bug out of your system the week prior, we spent the better part of your birthday indulging and introducing you to all things girl.  After birthday balloons in your room and birthday pancakes for breakfast, Daddy had to go to work and Grandma came to spend the morning with us.  I dressed you in the sweetest pink birthday dress, and Grandma surprised you with a pretty basket for your room, filled with fun little treasures including a macaron matching game and a new bath towel.


Our first birthday adventure included your very first stop at the spa.  You love to have your nails painted and I decided to take you for your first princess pedicure and manicure.  Your eyes lit up when you spotted a pink sparkly nail polish for your fingernails, and insisted on a bright pop of sassy purple for your toes.  You weren't too sure about the foot soak, but were intrigued with having your nails painted.  Grandma and I loved watching you in that sweet little chair.  You were perfectly still, often watching the lady painting your nails with utmost curiosity and contemplation, especially when she would speak to one of her co-workers in a different language.  At times, you'd look sleepy, resting your cheek in your hand and sighing big signs of either sleepiness or boredom.  Either way, I'm quite convinced it will not be the last time you join me for a trip to the spa!  You looked like quite the birthday girl in your pink dress and matching pink glittery nails.

After your pampering, and lunch at Applebees for chicken tenders and an Oreo cookie shake, we headed to the mall for a little shopping.  Since I do most of my shopping online these days, I realize sometimes that we rarely shop together, and with fond memories of many girl outings with my mom and grandma, I wanted to recreate similar adventures with you.  But when I pulled up to the Von Maur parking lot, all you spoke of was the train!  And when I said, "Mila, don't you want to pick out something special for your birthday?" you replied, "I don't need anything.  Just a couple of balloons, a pair of sunglasses, and a party hat!"

You played with the train for quite awhile, but soon found the fun in shopping.  And we couldn't get you to stop!  From the mermaid blanket to the Peppa Pig backpack, you proved to have quite the mind of your own!  Thanks to Grandma and me, you left with a flashy pair of Paw Patrol pajamas, a plastic fairy wand, a tiny Peppa Pig stuffed animal, and a little soft teddy bear.  Okay, so maybe there's a reason I don't take you shopping with me more often!

You took a nap that afternoon and woke up to Daddy and Cruz at home, as well as a pile of presents waiting to be opened by you.  Boy, did I have fun picking out a few sweet presents for you this year - your soft flowered Land of Nod sleeping bag that matches your room, your first set of princess duplos, a new bunny doll with a twirly dress, and your very own plasma car to ride outside this spring.  You were pleased, and Cruz immediately got to work helping you build Snow White's house and Cinderella's castle.  

We made your close your eyes as we revealed the plasma car.  So cute!

For dinner, you chose "ice cream," so we had tacos!  We ended up in a booth at Los Cabos, where you ate cheese quesadillas and we shared a big bowl of fried ice cream.  And we ended up at home, zipped up in your new sleeping bag, with your new flashy Paw Patrol jammies,  beside your best friend, Cruz.  Birthdays are my favorite, and these years where you are little and there's no where you'd rather be but right here in our own little family are the very best.  While it seems you've been ready for 3 for awhile now, it was a little hard for me to watch the milestone arrive.  Those baby years are nearly gone, and it's hard to believe how fast they went.  As cliche as it sounds, it feels like yesterday I was holding you in that quiet hospital room, wrapping you up in pink and feeling like I had birthed a piece of my soul. 

Happy Birthday, Mila girl.  Here's to THREE!      

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