
Monday, April 17, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017"

Cruz: You love the surprise of a new Kiwi Crate each month.  This one was right up your alley - it involved light-reflecting glasses, a build-your-own-night-light, and plenty of time at the kitchen table with Mom and Dad on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Mila: You got a haircut last week and it's amazing what an inch or two off the bottom did for your blonde head.  Your beach wavy curls bounced as you walked and I caught a glimpse of your sixteen year old self for a minute or two.  You're showing more little girl than toddler these days and I cling to the sweet fleeting moments a little tighter lately.  

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it the truth?!! They grow up much too quickly! Love your new haircut, Mila!! That is a great nightlight, Cruz!!
