
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Easter Memories / Part 3

"He is risen.  He is risen indeed!"

God blessed us with a beautiful Sunday to celebrate Easter.  We had an early but smooth morning at home.  We had breakfast, did Easter baskets, and even had time to curl us girls' hair before we were out the door a few minutes after 8 to make 9:00 church with my family in Allison.  The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and I enjoyed an entire cup of hot coffee on the way.  It was my own Easter miracle. :)   

I snapped some of my favorite pictures of these two lovers on Sunday.  They were cooperative as long as I kept a blanket over their Easter baskets!

I had to recreate one of my very favorite pictures from last year.  They have grown!

Easter 2016...

Easter 2017...

Favorites in Easter baskets were easy to identify this year.  Cruz loved his new set of Pokemon cards, the Rogue One DVD, and his first Beanie Boo stuffie that he affectionately named Sparkles.  He's been asking for a Beanie Boo for awhile and said all the kids have them. ;)

Mila also loved her Beanie Boo, affectionately naming her Amazing Sparkles, much to Cruz's objection!

These pictures melt me.  They have the sweetest bond, these two. 

We spent the day in Allison with my family.  While I miss Orchard Hill any Sunday we're not there, it is fun to take up three pews at the church I spent a good part of my growing up years in.  Although, it made me thankful to have a children's "church" during the same time as our church.  I am a much better listener when I'm not opening fourteen bags of fruit snacks and keeping the kids from not sitting on a pencil stuck in the pew seat!

The soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. :)  These two tie the knot in three weeks! 

The kids' favorite part of the day had to have been Grandma's egg hunt.  Instead of the throw-a-million-eggs-on-the-yard type of egg hunt the kids had taken part in prior to this, these eggs were actually hidden around the perimeter of my grandparents' house.  They each had to find 11, including one golden egg per cousin.  And the kids quickly discovered that Grandma puts dollar bills in her eggs! 

That's a wrap!  Thankful for sunshine, spring, empty tomb, and a risen Savior.

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