
Monday, May 8, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017"

Cruz: You had a sleepover at your best buddy, Liam's house Saturday night, after a birthday party at Hick's Place to celebrate your friend, Seth.  We picked you up before church Sunday morning and your bag was full of evidence from the fun you had.  There was a goodie bag from the birthday party, two comic books from Free Comic Book Day at The Core, and a white t-shirt you made and designed with Liam.  It was a good Saturday, but I sure loved having you back home Sunday to help me get this garden planted!

Mila: While a part of you enjoyed being the only child Saturday night, it was pretty cute to hear you say, "I miss my brudder" a few times that night.  After a long afternoon of helping us haul dirt, we treated you to a Happy Meal for dinner and a special sleepover of your own - right in between Mom and Dad in our bed.  

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