
Friday, June 9, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: Daddy didn't give you much time to think before sweeping you away at the waterpark and heading up the stairs of that first waterslide.  And after that, you were sold.  You are brave in the water, and quite competitive, too.  Your favorite slide was the one where we went on our bellies at the same time and raced.  

Mila: Shortly after I told Daddy that you were quite timid in the water this year, you sure showed me!  Between the waterfall that fell directly on top of your head on the lazy river, the mini waterslides you mastered in the little kid area, and lastly, the big family raft that went a'raging down the rapids, you proved to be a brave little fish, too!  We swam for five hours and had such a blast.   

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