
Thursday, June 15, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: You started your first season of A-ball last week, spoiled with Daddy and Uncle Jordan as your coaches again.  You both called me on speaker phone after practice Wednesday to tell me you hit the ball clear into the outfield, one of the best hits of the night.  All because Daddy finally determined you may be a leftie after all. :)

Mila: We watched you shine on stage at your very first recital on Sunday afternoon.  And little Mila Ballerina lived up to the name!  I sort of expected you to either stand still on stage or not end up there at all, but you blew me away!  You knew all the moves, smiled through the entire routine, pointed your little toes just so, and skipped and waved off stage just like the big dancers do.  It was quite the afternoon and I sure hope we have many dance recitals in our future.   

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