
Friday, June 23, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."


Cruz: You started swimming lessons last week with our favorite, Jacob.  You're pretty special getting the manager of the Falls as your swimming instructor!  That same day, Jaycie and I finally talked you into going down the slide on your own.  The look on your face on the way down was one of sheer panic, but the moment you hit the water and realized you were just fine, your panic-stricken face folded into the biggest smile and you were off again, and again and again.  

Mila: I love you and your pretty white headband.  Lately you've developed a liking of your headbands, although you much prefer the tiny ones I put on you as a baby.  You walk around in your long dresses with your snarly after-pool blonde curls and a headband pulled over top your hair and you look like a flower child from the seventies.  And you act like one, too. ;)

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