
Monday, August 7, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: You spent the night at Grandma and Papa's Friday night and were so excited to spend an entire afternoon at "Grandma's library."  You curled up on the couch and started another new chapter book (this time with comics), and Grandma let you check out nineteen books before you left.  Nineteen!

Mila: You packed a suitcase and told me you were going on a camping trip yesterday, sneaking into Cruz's room to play in his teepee while he was outside.  Awhile later, I noticed it was pretty quiet in there and went to find you sound asleep in his teepee, your feet and suitcases sticking out from under the fabric.  You slept there for a two hours and convinced me to score a little nap in his bed beside you.    

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