
Sunday, August 27, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: We decided shortly after pork chops and fresh green beans that you could use a fresh haircut before school started.  Next thing I knew, Daddy was out here with his clippers.  

Mila: Last Friday was your first official day back to school.  Things started a bit rough that morning, but when I picked you up later that afternoon, you immediately went to your cubbie and presented a small medal and certificate that said "I'm a Super Star Student."  You were a good friend to your friend Chloe when she was sad and missed her mom.  You patted her back, told her her mom would be there soon, and even made silly faces at her to make her laugh.  We were so proud of you, and I could have hugged your teacher for making your first day back a special one.    

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