
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Cruz Does First Grade

"The thing I am most looking forward to in first grade is having my own desk.  And learning subtraction."


I remember your first day of Kindergarten vividly.  I remember being filled with nostalgia the night before, almost breathless as I tucked you in and couldn't stop the thoughts of you as a baby.  I didn't sleep half the night!  I remember how you said, "Yikes!" as we entered the huddle of parents and kids and backpacks and made our way through the front doors of Southdale Elementary to find your classroom.  I remember how distracted I was all day, supposed to be working but instead counting down the minutes until it was time to pick you up.  And most of all, I remember your sweet "guess whats?" that kept coming and coming after school.  Guess whats that included trays to carry at lunch and so many choices of milk and music class and seeing Aunt Kelli in the hallway but not saying hi because you had a marshmallow in your mouth.  This time after school, where you talked a mile a minute about all the things you were learning, or all the ways you were growing, soon became my favorite part of every day, and I marveled over your genuine interest and curiosity in all the little details of each day.

Today was pretty uneventful compared to last year.  You woke up, did your morning jobs with independence, ordered a smiley pancake and bacon at J's, and marched right through those big doors at Southdale with confidence and ease.  You didn't need any help finding Mrs. Plate's classroom, although you did stop to see Charly a few doors down in her 2nd grade classroom first!  You got right to work on your coloring sheet at your very own desk.  This was the part of first grade you were most excited for - your own desk to store all your supplies.  You also noticed there weren't many play centers like Kindergarten had, but there are a lot more books.  And, you noticed a bin that said "homework", so all signs lead you to believe you'll be busy learning lots of new things this year.

Me, I just pray this year is filled with the same kind of joy that kindergarten brought us.  New friends to connect with, new discoveries to grow that mind of yours, new opportunities to stretch you, and new lessons to shape you into the kind and smart and sweet boy God has made you.  And most of all, I pray the guess whats keep coming every day.  I want to hear it all.  For seeing life and all these years through your big brown eyes is what makes being your mom the best thing I will ever do. 

Happy first day of FIRST grade, Cruz.  So proud of you.      

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