
Thursday, September 7, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: You lost your fifth tooth while eating a bagel at Panera last week.  And that dang tooth fairy didn't show up until a week later.  But when she finally remembered, she made it worth it, leaving you a five dollar bill on your night stand.  You are starting to think about your upcoming birthday and keep asking for a camera.  That is one wish this mama would be happy to grant!

Mila: We took you to Outdoor BASIC Thursday night to watch Erica sing in the worship band.  Brenda, Michaela, and Syd immediately snatched you up and took you to their blankets right in the front row.  We stood in the back, but every now and then peeked around the side to make sure you were having fun.  And to see you there, smack dab in the center of all these college kids, dancing and singing in your favorite twirly dress, made me cry.  I pray you grow to be on fire for Jesus like so many of these sweet influences in your life.     

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