
Wednesday, September 20, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: You had your first soccer game this last Saturday and played in a light, but steady rain for the entire hour.  Your dad and I were proud of your aggressiveness on the field, that is, for the first half of the game when you were most engaged.  You played a very good team, and although your team didn't score any goals, you all had fun despite the weather!

Mila: We picked apples yesterday on a perfect fall day.  You weren't very helpful, but did taste-test several varieties to ensure we were picking from the right tree.  You kept saying, "Remember when we came here when I was a baby?" While I'm not sure you remember, it made my heart happy to know you might be after these traditions, too.  This one is one of my favorites.    

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