
Friday, October 6, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: I "sort of" forgot to help you prepare for a class talent show last weekend and I took for granted the fact that you typically don't get shook up about much.  Then Monday morning comes around and I just casually mention it to you, saying, "You're okay with not participating and just watching your classmates, right?"  To which, you replied, "NO!" and frantically began brainstorming anything-but-simple ideas for your talent.  As we were in the car on the way to school!  It wasn't good.  I lectured you on being responsible and not depending on me to remind you of things, you cried, and I felt like a big failure before our week even got started.  And then Monday afternoon rolls around and you told me Mrs. Plate said you could share your talent the following day.  You practiced and practiced drawing your best Pigeon from Gerald and Piggie, with plans to share your drawing skills on the marker board in your classroom.  And the next day, I received a picture text of the sweetest blue pigeon from your teacher.  No caption was necessary, and I thanked God for simple moments that teach big lessons.

Mila: Not too much too report with you this week, other than the fact that Wednesday was crazy hair day at your school and this mom was not going to forget it!  Instead of two braids, you wanted LOTS of braids, and we fixed you up with five different barrettes to accessorize.  You were so proud that you practically leapt into your classroom.  And after quickly discovering you were one of the only one of your classmates to remember, you shook off your disappointment and ran right over to a center.  I was proud of you, baby.  

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