
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: You had a good conference with your teacher last week and are proving to be quite the quick learner in all things reading and math.  But she shared an email the next day of just how good of a friend you are that made your dad and I both so very proud of you.  She said, "He doesn't like people to be sad - it bothers him."  We took two things away from that email - 1) Your teacher is a gift and we are thankful for her; and 2) We love who you are and how you love others. 

Mila: We got to have lunch with you at daycare last week, a rite of passage for a three year old at Blessed Beginnings, and you were over the moon excited when not only I showed up to eat with you, but Daddy, too!  We continue to be so enriched by the ministry and people you get to be surrounded by each day.  One of them being Roxanne, who makes a yummy spaghetti and strawberry jello dessert.

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