
Monday, November 27, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."

Cruz: Your teacher sent your dad and I a message last week telling us you chose to study turkeys as your nonfiction topic.  You were surprised you were the only one in your class to choose it! ;)  Mrs. Plate was having a hard time finding nonfiction books on turkeys for you to use for your research, so we called Grandma at the library.  She didn't find a book either, but printed you off some great resources online for you to study.  Early yesterday morning, I woke up to find you right under the Christmas tree reading about turkeys.  Your favorite discovered fact was that turkeys are closely related to dinosaurs, including the tyrannosaurus and the velociraptor.

Mila: In one week, you started writing your name, you drew your first person, and you finally figured out how to dress yourself successfully.  You went from not doing any of these tasks to doing them so well in what seems like a day's time.  You're inching your way closer to four all the time and stealing my heart in the process.      

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