
Monday, December 11, 2017


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2017."


Cruz: I love that when we told you we were going to Hick's Place yesterday, you drew a picture of your memories from our last two years there, complete with bubble letters and everything.  Daddy had the great idea to bring it with us and give it to Hick himself.  It was easy to see that your picture meant a lot to him, so much so that he let you ride a cow yesterday. ;)

Mila: You officially moved to the "4s" room at daycare last week and have been loving every minute of it.  I think it's because there is a big art center in there and you have developed a new passion for drawing pictures and writing your name.  Last week, you brought us crowns home nearly every day.  We love your little creations.  

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