
Thursday, January 11, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: I know this is a picture of you and Charly, but it warrants a space on this week's portrait.  The two of you proved to be quite the Twister masters yesterday at Mila's birthday.  You are limber, strong, and resilient when it comes to this game - I think the two of you played for 45 minutes before we finally made you quit!  You found your new talent, buddy!

Mila: We celebrated your upcoming 4th birthday Sunday with a donut party.  You were in a funny mood all day, I think a little unsure of how to respond to all the attention.  You had this puzzled look on your face when people would talk to you and I caught you rolling your eyes often.  You also liked to say, "I don't even care," when people would talk to you.  Oh Mila, we just never know what we're going to get! 

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