
Saturday, January 27, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: Your "happy" the other night was a new thing Mrs. Plate is doing in school.  It's called "share circle," and you get to do it in the mornings once your morning work is done.  Your eyes lit up as you explained that you sit in a big circle and each get to share once sentence about something on your mind.  I smiled to think of my own favorite part of my former classroom, and love that you are a boy after my own heart.

Mila: You got to be Star of the Week in preschool this week and were completely ecstatic when you woke up Tuesday morning.  While mornings have been hard for you recently, it wasn't the case Tuesday.  Not only did you get to wear a twirly dress, but you came parading out of your room with a bracelet on each wrist, a flower headband in your uncombed hair, and pearls around your neck.  It's amazing what a dress and a few accessories will do for your morning mood!  

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