
Monday, March 19, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: We finally watched Wonder last weekend and you loved it.  Daddy and I told you afterwards that more than anything else we could ever hope for you, we want you to be the kind of friend Jesus wants you to be.  And according to your teacher at your spring conference last week, you are right there, buddy.  You see all people, and you love 'em all the same. 

Mila: You play favorites, little girl, especially if we're talking about who your "snuggle buddy" is at the moment.  You bounce back and forth between me and Daddy and dangle it over our heads when one of us doesn't give you your way.  "You're NOT my snuggle buddy anymore," is usually what we hear as you storm off to your room in anguish.   

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