
Thursday, May 3, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: You got your recital pieces this week and they are going to be quite a challenge!  You made a big step recently, playing songs with two and three keys at the same time.  You've come a long way and we admire your perseverance as you stuck with this new and sometimes uncomfortable skill.  Now we'll see how you do without the iPad until recital day. ;)

Mila: You had dance pictures this week and you melted my heart with your sweet ways.  I've been struck by your thoughtfulness lately, the way you always ask me how my day was or how Daddy's work was.  Grandma commented that you remembered Papa went to the doctor one day and immediately asked how his appointment was, and Brenda said you told her Happy Birthday as soon as you woke up the night she stayed with you while we were gone.  You notice the small things, when I clean your room or pick out a pretty dress for you in the morning, and you help me stop and notice them, too.        

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