
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Mila the Dancing Queen

Last weekend, we watched Mila on stage for her second ever dance recital at Gallagher Bluedorn, our hearts bursting with big tears behind our big laughs as she did her thing.  It amazes me how such little people can perform so confidently up there on that big stage, and their innocent, carefree presence makes me feel all sorts of things.  From the backstage energy of getting to help Mila change her clothes for her second performance, to sitting close enough to make quick eye contact with our girl as she danced her very best, to so many powerful performances with inspiring gospel music about loving God and loving just who He made you to be, the whole thing was inspiring and quite the adrenaline rush!  I told Beau that as much work as it was the last two weeks with dance rehearsals, costume changes, and bun perfecting, I think I could get in to this dance mom thing!  But most of all, the big smile on Mila's face as she danced her little heart out was a picture I hope I don't forget.  What a little light she is, and her fan club in the third row was oozing with pride and love for our tiny dancer. 

We can't get enough of Mila lately, her four year old self constantly killing us with the things she says and the way she acts.  She's witty, sweet, and so smart, and knows just how to charm everyone she meets.  Here are a few things to document about her as of late.

But not before a few more dance pictures!

1. Mila's got a love for the Lord and reminds of this almost daily.  She'll say things like, "I love you, Mom, but I love God the most," and seems to fully embody the innocent, unwavering love God calls all of us to have.  She also has a solid understanding of who is ultimately in control, knowing what is "God's decision."  And thanks to a school lesson on the Ten Commandments, she also has a keen interest in identifying things that might become idols, reminding us of this often as well. ;)

2. Mila will talk to anyone.  We were at some friends' this weekend and Mila struck up a conversation with Don, their neighbor.  She asked him which of her nail colors he liked the best, and before too long he was asking us if we were in need of an additional grandpa here in town!  

3. Mila is a girl, through and through.  And then some.  Her love for twirly dresses, a well-accessorized ensemble, and all things pink and purple is beyond what I could have imagined.  On a coloring sheet from school, Mila wrote that she wanted to be a "Queen Princess Mermaid" when she grows up.  And last week after church, she talked for five minutes about a beautiful teacher in Sunday school who was wearing a "LONG LONG blue dress with flowers."  Her long, drawn out, accentuated 'ls' in LONG, really brought the magnitude of this dress home. :)

4. Mila is terrible about staying in her room after bedtime.  We still sing her Come Thou Fount, still snuggle with her and rub her back, but soon after we leave her room, here she comes with an onslaught of random questions, remarks, and requests.  Sometimes, it's for water, sometimes, it's to tell us her toe hurts or that she changed the name of her My Little Pony from Sparkles to Flutterbug.  All kinds of important things.

5. Mila adores her brother in the fiercest of ways.  And also knows how to push his buttons in the most frustrating of ways. Thankfully, she was blessed with one of the most patient, forgiving of souls.  

6. Six months ago, I would have called Mila "messy."  She could play the hardest, and make the biggest of messes while doing so.  But lately, she's shown an interest in keeping things neat, and I'm seeing signs of a delicate, detail oriented little girl.  She makes her bed almost every morning, is quite good at folding her blankies, and likes to make things "look nice."  

7. Mila got her quick-witted Daddy's humor, and is well beyond her years when it comes to a well-timed laugh.  She's also the master of jinxing and her recent favorite, "made you look, made you look" moments that are as annoying as adorable coming from her.

8. The funniest things come out of her mouth, and are especially funny when her voice is still the signature, high-pitched Minnie Mouse voice we all love.  The other night at dinner, Mila told us she watched "General Hospital" with Grandma every day while we were gone on our trip (how did she remember the title of this show?), and she came into our room in the middle of the night last week and said she had a bad dream, only to follow it up with asking if she was going to have to go to the police station when she grows up!

9. Mila is a good good friend, and it warms my heart when she almost always gives every single child in her class a hug upon leaving every day.  Even the boys, who all act awkward but tolerate her love!

10. Thanks to our girl, we can't eat before we pray, at home or at restaurants, we can't get through a meal without sharing our happies and crappies, and we have far more family hugs and snuggle fests.  Our girl cares about togetherness, and often initiates these simple reminders for all three of us.  She's a light and there isn't a single day when I don't feel my heart skip a beat because of her.

And she just finished her last day of (her first year of) preschool!  Love these sweet first day to last day pictures!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: You've made quite the boy gang at school this year and have already asked a thousand times if you can have play dates this summer.  And this newfound love of basketball is surprising and sweet to us.  The sound of a basketball dribbling in the garage brings me back to growing up with two brothers who also loved basketball.  And just wait until our new hoop arrives next week - I'm foreseeing many games of HORSE in our driveway very soon!

Mila: Getting all ready for church in your new dress I brought you all the way from London.  You had your last day of 3 year old preschool last week and loved getting to celebrate with a pajama day.  You had a wonderful year with Mrs. Peters and we are already looking forward to next year!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2018 Summer Bucket List

Of all the lists I make in a year, there is no list that makes me more excited to draft and check off than our summer bucket list.  It's become quite the tradition around here, my first one in 2012 when Cruz was just 18 months old!  As we brainstorm each year, it's fun to look back on past years' lists not only to be reminded of all the good memories we've made, but to see how our lists have changed and grown with our growing family.  And of course there are staples that have made the list every year - strawberry picking and farmer's market exploring, movies and picnics outside, and a fun date night or two for Beau and I.  Most of all, the bucket list keeps us creative, gives us lots of ideas to squeeze the most out of these days when they start to get a little long, and has become a way for our family to bond and create experiences together.  We've never had a summer where we check everything off, but that's not the point.  Summer is a sweet season that gives us less on our plate, less on our minds, and less on our to do list.  The bucket list gives us intentional ways to make the most of the less. 

I love displaying our bucket list somewhere visible and creating an easy way to see the list dwindle as we make our way through the season.  Last year, I hung these cute little tags on our chalkboard with clothespins and twine, and they made quite the statement.  They even inspired some of our friends, always checking on our progress when they'd come over or finding ways they could be involved in our fun!  This year, I took the same concept, but replaced the twine and clothespins with washi tape.  This will be even easier for the kids to remove and I won't have to rearrange baggy twine!  Cruz and Mila look at the list every day, and then follow up by asking how many days until summer break.  The anticipation is real.  

So here she is, our 2018 summer bucket list.  And a few favorite snaps from last year, too.

1. Watch The Greatest Showman outside
2. Our favorite booth at Wilbos
3. Ride in a canoe on a sunshine afternoon
4. Go on a fossil digging adventure
5. Spend a day at Adventureland
6. Go on a family bike ride on the trails
7. Go berry picking
8. Watch home movies outside
9. Lie on the ground and look at the stars
10. Big bubble fun
11. Make artwork outside
12. Read three new books
13. Play mini golf
14. Farmer’s Market morning
15. Meet Daddy at the taco truck - have a picnic in the tailgate
16. Date night to Singlespeed – with Scrabble
17. Pizza at the ballpark
18. Music on the Cedar and a walk down the river
19. Make chocolate chip cookies and surprise Daddy at his office
20. Get cookie dough from Scratch and take a stroll down main street
21. Do a color run
22. Go to Irish Fest
23. Brad and Kate at Jamesons with some peeps!
24. Swim at the Falls at night
25. Ride bikes to Singlespeed with a crew!
26. Card party – play 500
27. Hansen’s Dairy Farm – when Bri is working
28. Decorah camping weekend
29. Blue Barn BBQ picnic
30. Lay on our backs and watch the clouds - sketch or paint what we see
31. Fishing in our favorite spot
32. Order a banana split from Four Queens
33. Camp in our backyard on the last day of school
34. Spend a day in Allison – eat at the diner, play at Wilder’s,
check books out at Grandma’s library
35. Go to the movies on a rainy day
36. Visit the Dike park
37. Eat popsicles on the trampoline
38. Go to Lost Island
39. Go camping at Gabe and Gina’s
40. Have a cousin sleepover with the Henrichs kids
41. Sign up for summer reading at the library
42. Neighborhood nerf war
43. Go to a Bucks game
44. Make a homemade pie
45. Donuts at the park
46. Golfing Date with Beau, sit on a patio after
47. Sidewalk chalk creations
48. Find the perfect shade of summer pink nail polish
49. Meet friends at the park on a weekday morning
50. Beach day
51. Take naps on the front porch
52. A tea party with my girl
53. Bead making on the front porch
54. Picnic lunch at the Meadows pond
55. Backbone State Park hiking and creek stomping
56. Meet Papa for picnic lunch
57. Small town adventure