
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Mila the Dancing Queen

Last weekend, we watched Mila on stage for her second ever dance recital at Gallagher Bluedorn, our hearts bursting with big tears behind our big laughs as she did her thing.  It amazes me how such little people can perform so confidently up there on that big stage, and their innocent, carefree presence makes me feel all sorts of things.  From the backstage energy of getting to help Mila change her clothes for her second performance, to sitting close enough to make quick eye contact with our girl as she danced her very best, to so many powerful performances with inspiring gospel music about loving God and loving just who He made you to be, the whole thing was inspiring and quite the adrenaline rush!  I told Beau that as much work as it was the last two weeks with dance rehearsals, costume changes, and bun perfecting, I think I could get in to this dance mom thing!  But most of all, the big smile on Mila's face as she danced her little heart out was a picture I hope I don't forget.  What a little light she is, and her fan club in the third row was oozing with pride and love for our tiny dancer. 

We can't get enough of Mila lately, her four year old self constantly killing us with the things she says and the way she acts.  She's witty, sweet, and so smart, and knows just how to charm everyone she meets.  Here are a few things to document about her as of late.

But not before a few more dance pictures!

1. Mila's got a love for the Lord and reminds of this almost daily.  She'll say things like, "I love you, Mom, but I love God the most," and seems to fully embody the innocent, unwavering love God calls all of us to have.  She also has a solid understanding of who is ultimately in control, knowing what is "God's decision."  And thanks to a school lesson on the Ten Commandments, she also has a keen interest in identifying things that might become idols, reminding us of this often as well. ;)

2. Mila will talk to anyone.  We were at some friends' this weekend and Mila struck up a conversation with Don, their neighbor.  She asked him which of her nail colors he liked the best, and before too long he was asking us if we were in need of an additional grandpa here in town!  

3. Mila is a girl, through and through.  And then some.  Her love for twirly dresses, a well-accessorized ensemble, and all things pink and purple is beyond what I could have imagined.  On a coloring sheet from school, Mila wrote that she wanted to be a "Queen Princess Mermaid" when she grows up.  And last week after church, she talked for five minutes about a beautiful teacher in Sunday school who was wearing a "LONG LONG blue dress with flowers."  Her long, drawn out, accentuated 'ls' in LONG, really brought the magnitude of this dress home. :)

4. Mila is terrible about staying in her room after bedtime.  We still sing her Come Thou Fount, still snuggle with her and rub her back, but soon after we leave her room, here she comes with an onslaught of random questions, remarks, and requests.  Sometimes, it's for water, sometimes, it's to tell us her toe hurts or that she changed the name of her My Little Pony from Sparkles to Flutterbug.  All kinds of important things.

5. Mila adores her brother in the fiercest of ways.  And also knows how to push his buttons in the most frustrating of ways. Thankfully, she was blessed with one of the most patient, forgiving of souls.  

6. Six months ago, I would have called Mila "messy."  She could play the hardest, and make the biggest of messes while doing so.  But lately, she's shown an interest in keeping things neat, and I'm seeing signs of a delicate, detail oriented little girl.  She makes her bed almost every morning, is quite good at folding her blankies, and likes to make things "look nice."  

7. Mila got her quick-witted Daddy's humor, and is well beyond her years when it comes to a well-timed laugh.  She's also the master of jinxing and her recent favorite, "made you look, made you look" moments that are as annoying as adorable coming from her.

8. The funniest things come out of her mouth, and are especially funny when her voice is still the signature, high-pitched Minnie Mouse voice we all love.  The other night at dinner, Mila told us she watched "General Hospital" with Grandma every day while we were gone on our trip (how did she remember the title of this show?), and she came into our room in the middle of the night last week and said she had a bad dream, only to follow it up with asking if she was going to have to go to the police station when she grows up!

9. Mila is a good good friend, and it warms my heart when she almost always gives every single child in her class a hug upon leaving every day.  Even the boys, who all act awkward but tolerate her love!

10. Thanks to our girl, we can't eat before we pray, at home or at restaurants, we can't get through a meal without sharing our happies and crappies, and we have far more family hugs and snuggle fests.  Our girl cares about togetherness, and often initiates these simple reminders for all three of us.  She's a light and there isn't a single day when I don't feel my heart skip a beat because of her.

And she just finished her last day of (her first year of) preschool!  Love these sweet first day to last day pictures!

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