
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summer Vacation 2018 || Beautiful Muir Woods

We were planning to go to Yosemite with this trip, but later decided we would wait until the kids were a bit bigger and could withstand some bigger hikes.  But Beau was all about finding something nature-based, which led us to beautiful Muir Woods for a day of our trip.  Muir Woods is a national monument home to over 240 acres of California's famous sequoia trees, and sits just north of San Francisco right on the Pacific.  Known as the tallest living thing on the planet, we couldn't quite imagine what these trees would look like up close, and after two days in the thick of the city, we woke up on Friday ready to get lost in the woods.      

This place was a dream.  We got there around 8:00 in the morning and were some of the first people there.  There was a chill in the air, there were signs asking for us to respect the sounds of nature (aka, be quiet!), and it was as if we had entered upon a whimsical, faraway place yet to be discovered.  And the trees were magnificent!

We pushed the stroller along the wooded walkways and then stashed it behind a tree and decided to climb.  Knowing this is Beau's happy place, we let him take us a little higher and a little farther, stopping to breathe in the fresh pine air, or throw a few pebbles in the water below, or crane our necks to see the tip tops of the trees.  It was the perfect escape from the busy big city and we were impressed with our kids' endurance.   

We left the forest and headed to the beach!  Muir Beach overlook is just off the exit leaving Muir Woods and gave us another pictures of the rugged, foggy coast I had grown to love about this part of California.  It might not be the best beach for swimming, but I'd take a beach bonfire and cozy sweater in a heartbeat.  

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