
Saturday, December 22, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: You've been working hard on three new Christmas songs this season and had the opportunity Monday night to play for residents at the Western Home for a half hour all on your own.  It was one of the sweetest nights of our entire Christmas season - watching you nervously play your first piece, the big smile that formed on your face after the first applause, and the reaction of all the people there to listen!  One man got out of his seat to shake your hand after your first song, another man was singing along to every song, and a table of older ladies at the front reminisced about their own piano lessons decades ago.  These little opportunities to bring joy to people at Christmas is what it's all about, buddy.  And you did just that!

Mila: I let you play hookie from school for most of this week - the last year I can do that before you're in "big" school.  Wednesday afternoon, I declared it your very own "yes" day.  Whatever you wanted, all day long, I had to say yes to!  And what did you choose?  You chose to play, play, and play some more.  Then Thursday, we had the most fun of days together, bringing our Christmas boot all over town spreading lots of kindness and joy.  You're counting down the days until you get to dig into those presents under the tree, but you are the first to remind us that this season is about celebrating that precious baby Jesus.  These holidays with you sure are sweet. 

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